Visitation to Yellowstone National Park for the first eight months of the year has hit the 2.7 million mark. With four months left in the calendar year, Yellowstone is on track to have one of its highest visitation years on record.

A total of 773,357 recreational visitors came to Yellowstone in August, an increase of 6.65 % compared to August 2013 numbers.  There were 2,717,040 recreational visits for the first eight months of 2014 compared to 2013 levels, an increase of 6.38 %.

2014 2013  Change
January 26,778 24,699 +   8.42 %
February 28,233 31,053 –    9.08 %
March 18,778 18,613 +   0.89 %
April 31,356 24,606 + 27.43 %
May 310,039 293,250 +   5.73 %
June 669,642 624,429 +   7.24 %
July 858,857 812,212 +   5.74 %
August 773,357 725,136     +   6.65 %
Total Year-To-Date 2,717,040 2,554,000 +   6.38 %

Each of the park’s five entrances show an increase in automobiles for the month of August compared to 2013 levels, according to a statement released by the park’s public affairs office. Bus visitation numbers continue to increase at all of the entrances as well, except for the north entrance, for the month compared to August of 2013.

July is typically the park’s peak visitation month, followed in order by August, June, September and May.

Detailed park visitation information and additional information on how these statistics are calculated is available online at