Construction will soon begin on the next phase of Grand Teton National Park’s shared-use pathway system. The new pathway segment (1.25 miles from  Moose Junction to Antelope Flats Road) is expected to be completed by late fall 2015 and open for public use in spring 2016. In addition, intermittent closures of the 14.5 miles of existing park pathways will occur through mid-October to allow for application of a sealant material and for safety improvement work.

Pathways will reopen for public use as work is completed, according to a statement released by the park’s public affairs office.

Primary construction activities for the new pathway segment will include the removal of earthen material at Moose Junction and the filling and building of a pathway “bed” along with a retaining wall over the Ditch Creek ravine, about .10 mile south of Antelope Flats Road junction. Motorists should expect minor traffic delays of up to 15 minutes through mid-November between the Moose and Antelope Flats Road junctions while this pathway construction is underway.

The existing 6.5-mile-long pathway, running parallel to Hwy 89 between the Gros Ventre River and Dornan’s, will be closed intermittently from September 15 through October 13. This segment will get a pavement sealant application and panels will be installed at road crossings to improve safety and accessibility for all users. Full closure of the entire 6.5 miles from Gros Ventre to Moose for pavement sealing is expected to last one week, and intermittent closures for the panel installation will take an additional three weeks.

The 8-mile-long pathway from Dornan’s to the south Jenny Lake area will be closed intermittently from September 29 through October 27 to facilitate safety improvements, including the removal of bollards and the installation of panels to improve safety and accessibility for all users.

Bicycle access will not be allowed on closed sections of pathway due to heavy equipment operating in close proximity to the pathway/road intersections. Each pathway closure will be signed at the closest intersection and adherence to the closures is required to ensure public safety. Bicyclists who violate these closures will encounter sections of hot oil sealant that may cause damage to bicycles and clothing.

Bicyclists and pedestrians may need to use portions of Hwy 89 and/or the Teton Park Road to connect between the open pathway segments while these rehabilitation projects are underway.

Other construction projects taking place during September include the asphalt overlay project on Hwy 89. This project includes 10.5 miles of Hwy 89 between Antelope Flats Road and Triangle X Ranch. Expect 30-minute delays during daylight hours, 7 days per week until the end of September. Delays between Moose and Moran junctions will not exceed a combined total of 30 minutes; however, motorists should plan for extra time to reach their destination.

Construction schedules may change or be delayed due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances. Visitors are encouraged to call the road construction hotline at 307.739.3614 or stop at park visitor centers for current and specific information regarding pathway closures and road delays.