Yellowstone National Park had a record number of recreational visits in June with 780,768 total for the month—an increase of almost 17 percent over last June and a 12 percent increase over the previous record June (2010), when the park had 694,841 visits.

So far, visits are up almost 20 percent over last year, numbering 1,298,855 this year compared to 1,084,827 for the first six months of 2014.





January 28,091 26,778 +   4.90 %
February 34,343 28,233 + 21.64 %
March 22,989 18,778 + 22.43 %
April 46,600 31,356 + 48.61 %
May 383,670 310,039 + 23.75 %
June 780,768 669,642 + 16.59 %
Total Year-To-Date 1,298,855 1,084,827 + 19.73 %

Each of the park’s five entrances showed increased visits for the month of June, with the North and West entrances both recording a more than 20 percent increase over June last year. Bus passengers showed a 19.35 percent increase over last June, accounting for 65,268 of the park visitors in June, with more than half of those buses coming through the West Entrance.

Visitation statistics are calculated by taking the actual number of wheeled vehicles entering the park gates, and using a person-per-vehicle multiplier to calculate the number of monthly recreational visitors, according to information released by the park’s public affairs office.

July is typically the park’s peak visitation month, followed in order by August, June, September, and May. July of 2010 was the park’s busiest month on record, with nearly 958,000 visits.

Detailed park visitation information and additional information on how these statistics are calculated is available online at