The National Park Service is proposing to convert cabins like this typical unit used by concession workers at Old Faithful back to their original purpose of visitor lodging. (NPS photo - click to enlarge)

From Staff Reports

The National Park Service has released for public review and comment a proposal to return some cabins housing workers in the Old Faithful area back to visitor use.

The preferred alternative in the Old Faithful Cabin Repurposing and Dormitory Construction Plan Environmental Assessment would increase available summer lodging units in the Old Faithful area.

It would amend a decision from the 1985 Old Faithful Development Concept Plan that called for the removal of all cabins from the area.

The National Park Service is proposing to convert cabins like this typical unit used by concession workers at Old Faithful back to their original purpose of visitor lodging. (Image from Old Faithful Area Historic Resource Notebook - click to enlarge)
The National Park Service is proposing to convert cabins like this typical unit used by concession workers at Old Faithful back to their original purpose of visitor lodging. (Image from Old Faithful Area Historic Resource Notebook - click to enlarge)

Under the proposed plan, 67 lodge cabin units would return to their original historic use as visitor accommodations, after having served as concessioner employee lodging for about a decade.

The Park Service said in a statement released to the news media that the plan represents “a commitment to properly preserve these historic cabins.”

A new dormitory would be built in the Old Faithful administrative area to accommodate the displaced employees.

The Environmental Assessment and a comment submission form can be found on the National Park Service Planning, Environment and Public Comment web site.

A hard copy of the EA is available by calling (307) 344-2221, or by writing to: Old Faithful Cabin Repurposing Plan EA, National Park Service, P.O. Box 168, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming 82190.

Written comments may be submitted online, in person or by mail. Comments will not be accepted by phone, fax or e-mail. All public comments must be received or postmarked by midnight, Feb. 26.

Once comments are analyzed, the Park Service will make a decision on the final plan.

One reply on “NPS aims to convert Old Faithful worker cabins back to Yellowstone visitor lodging”

  1. Maybe next they’ll get rid of the concessionaire, so people can afford to visit the park. Bye, Xanterra.

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