It’s August, and the campgrounds in Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks are operating at their typical seasonal peak capacities.

Many first-time Yellowstone visitors are often surprised to learn upon arriving in the park that campgrounds are full and no sites area available. That’s not how you want to start your Yellowstone vacation, especially if you don’t roll into the park until dinner time, or close to sunset.

A couple of key tips are to either reserve a campsite in advance or show up before mid-day at one of the first-come-first-served campgrounds.

In this video, Yellowstone Ranger George Heinz walks you through the basics of using Yellowstone campgrounds. It’s from Visiting Yellowstone, a series of basic information shorts produced by the National Park Service and funded by the Yellowstone Park Foundation.

Another tip Heinz touches on is that some veteran campers will stay at an affordable hotel in a gateway town the night before they plan to hit the park, allowing them an early start the next morning and a good shot at the site of their choice in one of the unreserved campgrounds.

Camping is one of the most fun and affordable ways to experience the park, and a little planning can help make your camping trip more enjoyable.