Autumn is a great time to see changing colors and abundant wildlife in Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks. (Still image from video by Mike Cavaroc - click to enlarge)
Autumn is a great time to see changing colors and abundant wildlife in Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks. (Still image from video by Mike Cavaroc - click to enlarge)

Locals living around Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks cherish autumn as a time with fewer crowds, cooler weather, abundant wildlife and dramatic displays of changing colors, making it a favorite season among many to visit and photograph the parks.

If you’ve spent some time in past Septembers or Octobers visiting the parks, then you’ll no doubt be planning a return trip. If you’ve never visited during the fall, then take a look at two wonderful videos by acclaimed photographers showcasing the inviting beauty of the fall flora and fauna in  both parks.

Shot over the autumns of 2010 and 2011 by Max Waugh and Mike Cavaroc, respectively, these four-minute videos feature gorgeous images of turning leaves, sparkling water, sweeping mountain vistas and wildlife including moose, wolves, bears, elk and more.

But be forewarned, as wonderful as it is to see the parks in fall, watching these videos could make you downright despondent if you’re not able to make a trip in the next six weeks. If you live nearby, then they’re a sure motivator to get you into the parks at least one more time before winter arrives.

Teton Changes by Mike Cavaroc


Fall Wildlife by Max Waugh

2 replies on “Autumn wildlife and color changes in Yellowstone and Grand Teton”

  1. Love this area been about 5 times but has been years. Never been in late fall but maybe next year. Beautiful. Thanks

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