A glowing image from the Interior Department Instagram feed shows the sun setting over the Tetons in Grand Teton National Park.
A glowing image from the Interior Department Instagram feed shows the sun setting over the Tetons in Grand Teton National Park. (©Donald A. Higgs photo)

The U.S. Department of Interior has been showing off your public lands and wildlife over the last several months with an amazing collection of photos on the agency’s Instagram feed. While there’s no doubt America’s national parks and other wild places lend themselves to terrific snapshots, it’s a fantastic surprise to find a government website feautring so many beautiful images taken by technically adept photographers.

While many professional photographers are not wild about Instagram’s filters and square aspect ratio, the beauty of the Interior photos shines through, regardless of format or filters.

Not surprisingly, some of the best pictures are from Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks and nearby areas like the National Elk Refuge. Also not surprisingly, a lot of those shots are of bison, the Tetons and bison in front of the Tetons.

If you’re a fan of beautiful pictures of scenic places and amazing wildlife, you owe it to yourself to take a look. And to convince you, we’ve included our 10 favorite Yellowstone and Grand Teton images from Interior’s collection.

UPDATE: The Grand Teton photo above by Donald A. Higgs is entered in an online contest for federal recreation lands photos. Show come love and go vote for it. Click here and then log in using Facebook to vote.

Nathan Bartlett, 8, helps Old Faithful Inn bellman Ed Nabors take down the American flag atop the hotel during a trip to Yellowstone National Park. (Dan Hottle photo)
Nathan Bartlett, 8, helps Old Faithful Inn bellman Ed Nabors take down the American flag atop the hotel during a trip to Yellowstone National Park. (Dan Hottle photo)


Bison graze in the National Elk Refuge as the Tetons rise in the background.
Bison graze in the National Elk Refuge as the Tetons rise in the background.


A bighorn sheep defies gravity as it skips down a stone cliff in the National Elk Refuge south of Grand Teton National Park. (Ann Hough photo)
A bighorn sheep defies gravity as it skips down a stone cliff in the National Elk Refuge south of Grand Teton National Park. (Ann Hough photo)


Bison gather in Grand Teton National Park.
Bison gather in Grand Teton National Park.


Great Fountain Geyser erupts in Yellowstone National Park.
Great Fountain Geyser erupts in Yellowstone National Park.


Bison move along a snowy road in Yellowstone National Park.
Bison move along a snowy road in Yellowstone National Park.


Bison calves stick close to the herd in Grand Teton National Park.
Bison calves stick close to the herd in Grand Teton National Park.


A boardwalk trail in Yellowstone National Park is covered in and surrounded by snow.
A boardwalk trail in Yellowstone National Park is covered in and surrounded by snow.


A couple enjoy a picnic at Artist Point in Yellowstone National Park.
Artist Point in Yellowstone National Park provides a perfect spot for a picnic.

9 replies on “10 fantastic Instagram photos of Yellowstone and Grand Teton parks”

  1. Thanks for including these wonderful images of one of my favorite Parks. I have taken my own images of some of these places, such a treat to travel to Yellowstone in the winter.

  2. While all photos are good, my favorite is the bighorn sheep going down the rocks. We saw the sheep at the Elk Refuge last Fall but they were along the road and not on the mountain.

  3. These are some really beautiful pictures of Yellowstone. I am wondering why there are no pictures of the parks beautiful wolves included. Are they still there ?

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