Signs will begin switching from "open" to "closed" soon in Grand Teton National Park as facilities begin shutting down at the end of the 2013 summer season.
Signs will begin switching from "open" to "closed" soon in Grand Teton National Park as facilities begin shutting down at the end of the 2013 summer season.

Visitor services at Grand Teton National Park and the John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway will begin to wind down for the 2013 season starting this month. Scheduled closure dates for September, October and November include:



Lizard Creek                                                   Closed

Colter Bay     September 22                           (11 am)

Jenny Lake    September 29                           (11 am)

Flagg Ranch   September 30                           (11 am)

Ranger Stations & Visitor Centers

Jenny Lake Ranger Station     September 8                            (5 pm)

LSR Preserve Center              September 22                           (6 pm)

Jenny Lake Visitor Center       September 23                           (5 pm)

Colter Bay Visitor Center        September 29                           (5 pm)




Gros Ventre           October 4                                    (11 am)

Signal Mountain     October 13                                  (11 am)

Ranger Stations & Visitor Centers

Craig Thomas Discovery Center     November 4                               (5 pm)

Entrance Stations

Granite Canyon, Moose & Moran     October 31                                  (5 pm)

Road Closures

Teton Park Road & Moose-Wilson Road     October 31                                  (dusk)


Colter Bay Village Cabins & RV Park      September 27                           (11 am)

Headwaters Lodge & Cabins                  September 30                           (11 am)

Jenny Lake Boating                               September 30                           (6 pm)

Jackson Lake Lodge                              October 6                                    (11 am)

Jenny Lake Lodge                                 October 6                                   (Noon)

Signal Mountain Lodge                           October 13                                  (11 am)

Triangle X Ranch                                    Mid October

For detailed information, call 307-739-3300, or consult the park’s newspaper, Grand Teton Guide, online at  The park’s winter operations schedule will be announced in December.