Bison wander through the Lamar Valley in Yellowstone National Park.
Bison wander through the Lamar Valley in Yellowstone National Park.

By Fred Schiding

This past September, my wife and I decided to visit Yellowstone National Park. We are both amateur photographers belonging to the Coastal Camera Club in Lewes, Del. We have always heard about the beauty and spectacular scenery of Yellowstone. We spent a week there, and on one of our daily trips we went to the Lamar Valley area.

We heard from many people to watch out for the herds of bison, and how you could spend quite a while waiting for them to cross the road. This particular day we came upon a herd and just happened to be the first in line.

Although the wait was not that long, we enjoyed just watching these beautiful animals. They crossed the road and began walking in the field right beside our car.

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This photo was taken with a Nikon D-90 camera, using a Tamron 18-270 mm F/3.5-6.3 lens.

I call, the photo “Bison on the Move,” as I was able to get many great shots of the Bison. The beauty of the background along with the bison made this one of my favorite photos.

Fred Schiding, 73, is an amateur photographer from Delaware who is planning a return trip to Yellowstone with his wife in September 2014.