The Schwabacher Landing Road and parking area in Grand Teton National Park will open to public access on Thursday,  June 19.  A paving project on the upper portion of Schwabacher Road just west of Highway 26/89/191 (Hwy 89) has been completed, allowing for this popular park location to open for the summer season.

An overlay road project will be underway on 10.5 miles of Hwy 89 between Craighead Hill, about two miles north of Moose Junction, and Cunningham Cabin that lies north of Triangle X Ranch. From mid-June through mid-September, motorists can expect 30-minute delays, 7 days per week, according to a statement released by the park’s public affairs office.

Because regular delays are expected on Hwy 89 past the Moose Junction, motorists should plan extra time to reach their destination, or choose to travel the Teton Park Road to avoid the construction area altogether. Blacktail Ponds Overlook and the Teton Point Turnout will be closed June—September to accommodate this project. Periodic closures of other parking areas within the project area may occur during construction activities.

Phase 3 Pathway construction will occur adjacent to Hwy 89 from Moose Junction to Antelope Flats Junction (1.2 miles) from August 2014 through early November 2015. More information will be provided as the construction time nears; however, motorists can expect some delays during the fall 2014 construction phase.

As announced on June 13, the Signal Mountain Summit Road will be temporarily closed to public access while Teton Interagency fire management staff conduct fuels reduction work along the upper 1.5 miles of this secondary park road.  Between June 17 and July 17, park visitors should expect road closures on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Crews may also close the road for short periods of time during the remainder of the week to facilitate the movement of equipment.

Park managers say that every effort will be made to minimize any inconvenience associated with these seasonal road and fuels reduction projects.

Construction schedules may change or be delayed due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances. Visitors are encouraged to call the road conditions line at 307.739.3614 or stop at park visitor centers for current and specific information. The park’s newspaper, Grand Teton Guide, includes a road construction map and can be found online at or picked up at any park visitor center or entry station.